That's Funny!

Disclaimer: Author can not guarantee that all post on this blog will be funny or make you laugh.

Monday, February 05, 2007

That's Weird!

Okay, I didn't specifically get tagged to do the weird meme, but when I saw the open invitation, I figured that would be the perfect thing to get me out of my blogging slump. Why? Because I'm weird!

1. I have to put vaseline on my heels before I go to bed every night. I truly believe my itchy heels are a reason I can't fall asleep at night.

2. I have two fake teeth. When I go cosmic bowling, they don't glow in the dark like the rest of my teeth, so I look like some sort of freaky vampire.

3. I eat my cereal with a huge spoon. And I pour the extra milk from my cereal into my coffee.

4. I laugh randomly. I sometimes think of something funny that happened or something funny someone said 24 hours before and I burst out laughing about it at really opportune when I am by myself walking around the lake, in a meeting at work, lying in bed at night trying to fall asleep, or in the car with someone when we aren't talking about anything. I keep thinking I'll grow out of this, but I'm beginning to think this might be a life-long condition.

5. Before I got better about switching purses and cleaning them out regularly, you'd often find 9 tubes of lipstick and 10 pens in the bottom of my purse.

6. I coordinate my haircuts with my oil changes. Usually every three thousand miles on my car is a good indicator that I need at least another inch off my hair.

You can do this post if you are weird, otherwise tell me something weird about YOU in the comments.


Blogger Mamadala said...

OK, you are weird! Actually, the lipstick/pen thing isn't too weird. And the haircut/oil change sounds like a great idea - just find an oil change place near your salon, and you're in business!

If I drank coffee, I would totally do the cereal milk thing. You could come up with new coffee flavors - Cap'n Crunch Lattes, and Fruity Pebbles Frappachinos! I just drink it from the bowl now, although I'm pretty good about estimating how much milk I'll need. My kids, on the other hand regularly leave whole bowls-ful of milk to go to waste after breakfast!

February 06, 2007 3:24 PM  
Blogger Mamadala said...

Oh, and I want to go cosmic bowling with you sometime - that fake tooth thing would be FREAKY!

February 06, 2007 3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do that laughing out loud thing at inopportune times too and it isn't good for the marriage. Dad thinks I am listening to what he is saying but my mind wanders to something that happened some other time and I start smirking while he is in the middle of a serious foreign policy discussion. This doesn't go over well at all!

February 06, 2007 4:18 PM  
Blogger Allee said...

I am planning on doing the meme weird thing also, but I only have 2 that I want to admit right now.

Itchy heels. . . maybe you should get a pedicure instead of sitting and watching your siters get them.

February 06, 2007 8:28 PM  
Blogger Allee said...


February 06, 2007 8:29 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

I like # 1 the best because it is the weirdest. You are a freak.

I think # 3 is good because it is efficient. The efficient use of milk is not weird. We should all be more efficient with our milk.

February 06, 2007 9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put lotion on my entire foot (both of them, actually) every morning because they catch on my socks otherwise. They also feel crackly if I don't do it. That's not weird; I think it's normal (she said in an effort to feel normal herself). I also get pedicures though; listen to your sisters. You might even get purple toenails out of it!

February 07, 2007 8:48 PM  

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