That's Funny!

Disclaimer: Author can not guarantee that all post on this blog will be funny or make you laugh.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hello? Hello? Who's Out There in Cyberspace Reading This?

When I first started this blog thing a couple months ago, I thought it was the coolest thing ever, but I am slowly learning that it can throw a kink in my personal life. At first, I was pretty selective in who I told about it, but I guess eventually it is irrelevant because, really, anyone can find it if they do the right research.

I sort of assume that the only people reading my blog are those that are actually making comments to my posts, which are mostly my blogging family members and friends. (Let me make it known that non-bloggers can make comments too as "other" or "anonymous"). But occasionally I'll be talking to a friend who will make reference to my cottage cheese salad or will ask if the scab on my leg is a result of my rollerblading accident or if my car brakes have stopped squeaking yet....and I am pleasantly surprised to learn that they have been reading my blog! Great! I'm happy to hear that I have an audience, as stealth as they might seem because of their absent comments.

The one's that kind of catch me off guard are those that know I have a blog, but I never told my blog address. Thanks to Google, they were able to find it pretty easily, which I knew was a possibility so I shouldn't be shocked. Hey, everyone does it! Googling other people is totally a guilty pleasure of mine. Let's just say that I ran into [someone] recently who I met a few months ago, but haven't really talked to for a week or two, for some reason or another. And let's just say, totally hypothetically, that [this person] mentioned that he read my blog. What should my first reaction have been to hearing this? Should I have felt pleased and flattered that he took the time to find my blog...or should I have turned bright red in embarrassment? Or should I have gone home and read my entire blog to see what sort of insight he may have gained to me by reading my blog? Well, let's just say I did the latter, (hypothetically speaking of course). I fully assessed the situation before I determined any emotion on this subject. What would someone who had been getting to know me, who already knows that I am quirky, interpret about me just by reading this blog?

1. I sometimes eat weird combinations of food. Big deal.
2. I'm edgy enough to take a belly dancing class, but not voluptuous enough to actually look great doing it.
3. Every Tuesday I eat catered lunch at mansions. That's just how I roll.
4. I'm an athlete, but I throw a baseball like a moron.
5. I use the word "piggy" and I actually chose this as a topic to write about not only in a college paper, but yes, also on this blog. Who isn't entertained by a little potty humor?
6. I will use just about any man for their handyman skills (or lack thereof). But, keep in mind that I will not compromise my morals just to get some work done.
7. I may or may not have an extremely obese family.
8. Our local weatherman may or may not think I am a stripper.
9. I know a lot of frickin' random people. What can I say...I'm a social butterfly.
10. I've got an ex-boyfriend or two that might be generally referenced...but I've got a pretty healthy attitude about relationships. If it's meant to's meant to be, but don't dwell on it.
11. I want to have Scott Erickson's babies.

Okay. That's not so bad. No skeletons in the closet revealed here. I'm an open book kind of girl. I may exaggerate some of my stories a little bit just for effect, but for the most part, this is me.

HOWEVER, the thing to also remember is that my blog is linked to other blogs, including family. Who's to say where my readers might be linking and what they are learning about my family, which may be freakishly represented depending on what posts one is reading.

For instance, if someone were to link over now and read some of my family members' blogs, they may think that:
-My oldest sister, pregnant with babies 5 and 6, is such a progressive mom that she dyed her 2 pre-teen sons' hair bleach blonde and put cornrows in her own hair.
-My brother asked a 20-year old pimp to instill wisdom into his 15-year old son, whom he calls "stupid" and encouraged to watch porn.
-My sister-in-law is apparently nostalgic for her carefree hippy days of 13 years ago...but now has a 15, 14, 4 year old...and a baby girl. Huh?
-My other sister really loves her kids and husband, is a total goodie-goodie and has a content life watching Family Feud and going to bed at 9pm.
-My dad is so in-love with my mom that he still remembers poems he wrote her, but spends his free-time counting in his head the number of terrorist that are running around in Iraq.
-My mom, the non-blogger, wants to feel involved and so she leaves comments on every single blog, on every single post.

That is why, as long is this blog is accessible on the internet and I continue to publish self-deprecating and unflattering posts about myself and link them to my family member's blogs, that I may, just may, run the risk of freaking some people out who are still getting to know about Ashley. But, it's a risk I'm willing to take. This is Ashley. This is my family. We blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting to read all this information helps them figure out who you are. Really, it's a benefit to the relationship (boyfriend or friend) because they get to know you sooner and you can fore-go (sp?) the "Where do you live?" "What do you do for a living?" "How big is your family?" "What is your family like?" "What do you do in your free time?" questions. All the staple conversations of the first few dates (for lack of a better term or a term I can't spell) are finishes. However, I guess you need to find their blog too so you know the same info about them. I would suggest you post some blogs about favorite haunts, embarrassing moments, political views (as your family's views are quite different from each other), and how many babies you want. Keep me posted on how that goes. :)

June 25, 2006 8:14 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

True, Linds. But I still like dating the old fashioned way. You know, where you actually have to talk and ask each other questions.

But it's fun to blog to document all these stories and keep up with people. And whoever happens to read it...that's cool.

June 25, 2006 8:29 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

Who you calling a freakish hippy?

Here's my blog problem. Before I started bloglines I used to incessantly check and recheck my favorite blogs for new posts and comments. Then I figured out that blogs with meters on them can tell that you've been there. Plus, I got some kind of virus e-mail on my blogger e-mail account that advertised lesbian pictures AND THEN WENT OUT TO THE E-MAILS OF SOME PEOPLE WHO COMMENTED ON MY BLOG. So great, now people must think I am some kind of web stalking lesbian pornographer. I think I'm better off as a freakish hippy.

June 25, 2006 8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot about goose, who's blog you thanks we're in the same boat! Maybe that explains the no call! Better make this one anonymous!

June 25, 2006 9:23 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Ash, you have to know that, at any given time, there are not hundreds, not thousands, but MILLIONS of people reading your blog. That is not an exaggeration, the Internet is a big place. I'm actually surprised you haven't already gotten e-mails from Chinese peasants asking things like "What is this piggy you speak of?" Not to mention that if Scott Erickson ever Googles himself, he might just be giving you a call.

Obviously, I have taken this advice to heart, which is why I am so careful on my blog. As a quick read of my blog will reveal, I never disclose any information that might ever cause embarrassment to anyone.

June 25, 2006 9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know that I am reading your blog... Thanks for the entertainment :)

June 25, 2006 10:02 PM  
Blogger Mamadala said...

Cool, I'm progressive. Maybe I am a hip mama after all. :-)

This quote got me:
"This is my family. We blog."

I never in my life thought I would read that and that it would be true. You guys are so awesome!

June 25, 2006 11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So as not to disappoint you, I have to respond. I think I lost a pound or 2 just laughing. Let me tell you, this is one weird family and you can now see why I don't actually have my own blog. If any of my clients read about my family, they'd likely flee!

Good job, Ash, of getting down to the basics of you and your family. I can't imagine where this would go if you added the cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces,a nd nephews too.

June 26, 2006 12:50 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Eric--yes, you are very private on your blog. Why don't you open up a bit? Do you think Scott Erickson will really call???

MM--That's rough...Knock on wood that doesn't happen on my blog!

Carolyn--Thatta girl! Keep up the comments!

June 26, 2006 5:29 PM  
Blogger Allee said...

I am sooo needing a better reputation!! My next blog is going to be very edgy - just you wait!

June 26, 2006 10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ashley, I just found your blog on the internet. You are very funny! Keep up the great writing.

By the way - You sound very hot! Post a picture of yourself.

June 26, 2006 10:21 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Hey "Keith". C'mon guys, you couldn've picked a better name than Keith!

June 27, 2006 10:17 AM  

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