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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Stepping Stones

I think I am the only person my age (or older) who still celebrates their "half birthday". People usually stop clarifying their age in "halves" when they're about 8. That extra "half" when you're a child is pretty significant. "I'm not 4, I'm four and a half!" For me, every April 21st means that I am only 6 months away from my next birthday...or 6 months past my last birthday, depending on how I look at it. This was an especially significant half birthday for me because I am now 26 1/2 and have only 6 months left of my "mid-twenties". Yep, in 6 months, I leave the age bracket that categorizes me with 24 year olds and I join the ranks of "almost 30 year olds".

So what's a suddenly single 26 1/2 year old girl to do? Did you catch that? Subtle, I know, but you read correctly. Yeah, my condo is off the market...and Ashley's back on the market. Looking at offers from local residents only! Many of you have said, "you seem to be doing amazingly well." Here's my secret.

In my 10+ years of dating, I've realized that each experience teaches me something new. I sometimes think that when something great comes into my life so randomly, that it must be fate. But really, each of these people are just stepping stones, bringing me to the final destination. Each person in my life serves a purpose...maybe they come in to teach me a lesson, or to make me a better person. Maybe they give me a new experience, and perhaps I'm there to serve a purpose in their life. Isn't it weird to think how everyday decisions we make, whether big or small, can change our life paths? Think about how many things have to line up to get you to be where you are today and how one thing along the way could've thrown everything in a different direction. It's amazing to think about, but also comforting to believe that these decisions and events are all just part of God's master plan.

With that belief, all I can say is that there is no use in trying to figure things out and to know that it just happened for a reason. I have lots to be happy about. I'm simply taking what I learned from this experience and moving along to find my next stepping stone. Because I know that each one is bringing me closer to a gem. (But, good many stepping stones can you give a girl?)

To the multiple offers I've received from my guy friends to be my "rebound," I say, "Thanks fellas, but no rebound necessary. I'm not really feeling that vulnerable." I guess I feel lucky. I've had some wonderful people come into my life who have given me some wonderful experiences. And to think that they've all just been stepping stones bringing me to something even more incredible?! Wow! I don't know what lies ahead for me...but damn, it's going to be good!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...."God bless the broken road that led me straight to you."

April 23, 2006 10:14 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

Sorry to hear that Ashley. Matt Damon seemed like a pretty good guy, but I guess not good enough. Fortunatly, I hear that Scott E. and Lisa are on the skids. Or you could just drive around with Laura looking for Gold Nissans.

Keep your chin up - sounds like you are.

April 23, 2006 10:28 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

"you know who"...that song didn't really work for me last time. I'm ditchin' it...but good try.

April 23, 2006 10:31 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Wait a minute . . . you're only 26 1/2? I could have sworn you were already an "almost 30 year old." In that case, what's all the fuss about? Stepping stones are an important part of life for 26 1/2 year olds. So, I have to say, I totally agree with you, I can't wait to see what lies ahead!

April 23, 2006 10:37 PM  
Blogger Allee said...

You rock, Ash!

Ditch the 'Broken Road' just like you ditched 'Cowboy Take Me Away!' (Wasn't that the song a couple stepping stones ago?)

Man, I am getting jealous - your new boyfriend sounds like he is going to be awesome!

God has perfect timing. . .

April 23, 2006 10:45 PM  
Blogger Mamadala said...

You rock, Ash.

April 23, 2006 10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.K., we'll find a new song. Allee is right: "God has perfect timing."

April 24, 2006 7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm PROBABLY not an expert on the situation, seeing as how I've pretty much been dating the same guy for, oh, I don't know, almost a decade. But I'll tell you what I tell all my friends: there's always someone else. Except for me, of course. Anyway, you have a good attitude about the whole thing. What was Matt Damon thinking letting you go?

April 24, 2006 2:43 PM  

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