That's Funny!

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sky, Lance, and Paul Douglas

I read a blog post on Meteorologist Paul Douglas and it provoked me to write this story.

Last summer I worked on a condo project set to be built downtown right next to WCCO-TV. Paul Douglas and his wife stopped into our grand opening event and I had the pleasure of speaking with them about buying opportunities, all the while trying to be professional and treat him as a normal human being by not really acknowleding that he is a local celebrity. We corresponded through a couple of emails regarding the building afterwards. I noticed that his email was listed under the name Doug Kruehoffer (yet his emails were signed "Paul Douglas"). I quickly realized that "Paul" was actually his TV name, so I politely inquired in one email what he would prefer me to call him, Doug or Paul? I figured this was the right thing to do, being that we were working in a professional setting and "Doug" was really his name.

Skip to another story. My dad, who's a complete character, was a theater major in college. At some point when he was a young man, he gave himself a stage name, being that he was an actor of sorts. My entire life my dad's alias has been "Lance Sterling." Growing up, we never once had a dinner reservation under our real last name. It was always under the "Sterling Party" or "Lance S." My friends have even resorted to calling him "Lance." Since I share my dad's strange sense of amusement, I decided that I needed a stage name as well and assumed the name Sky Mackay. I use this name most often when random dudes try to pick me up. If I'm not interested, they don't get my real name. Or, if I am traveling, meet people along the way that I know I am never going to see again...why not be "Sky"? Since my dad actually performed in the theater, he referred to his alias as his "stage name." I did the same.

Back to Paul Douglas. While I believe it was the right etiquette to ask what he preferred to be called, my statements after that question were probably not. You see, I thought it would be good to build rapport with Paul/Doug by letting him know that we have something in common. After all, he was thinking of buying a condo from me. I wish I still had the email I sent so I could copy and paste it here, but I wrote something like, "I have a stage name too. I sometimes go by Sky Mackay." Now, Sky isn't a trampy name by any means. It's not like I called myself "Alotta Fagina" or anything. But in hindsight, I question whether I should have used the phrase "stage name" since that might imply that I actually use it on stage. And, um, I guess there are other forms of entertainment performed by women on stage that aren't theatrical. You get my drift. Afterall, who would really mention having a stage name if it was just for fun? Me. Yep. Me. Real professional, Ashley.

Paul/Doug never did reply to that email. I like to pretend that it was just because he was not that interested in living in a condo that overlooked his work building...but it could've been because he got a little freaked out that the young woman realtor he talked to decided to mention that she had a STAGE NAME...and he didn't really know how to interpret that. There are a lot of wackos out there afterall. And I'm afraid he thinks I'm one of them!


Blogger Jill said...

Hmmm... Doug Kruehoffer. Underscores some of ckoz's points, doesn't it.

April 20, 2006 8:31 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Before I got married, I used to date a girl who told me her name was Alotta Fagina. Only she was very particular about her last name (it was pronounced Fa-GEE-na). This really bursts my bubble.

April 20, 2006 9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sky Mackay....hum that name sounds familiar have we met before?

April 20, 2006 10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Veronica! Ha! I think we used to go cruisin' for guys together back in college! We need to get back at that!

April 21, 2006 1:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you taking requests? If so, I would love you to republish that e-mail you sent to us encouraging us to lose weight and shape up. Helpful and also easy to make fun of.

April 23, 2006 12:59 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

MM, are you hard up for more blog posts or what?

April 23, 2006 9:55 PM  

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